
1st International Keynes Conference (IKC) 2005

1st International Keynes Conference (IKC)

Join us!


Keynesian Legacy and Modern Economics:

A Dialogue between History of Economic Thought

and Economic Theory

Plenary Sessions* & Special Sessions**

September 24 (Sat.) & 25 (Sun.) 2005 at Sophia University, Tokyo

Access Map to Sophia Univ. (here)

The Yotsuya Campus Map ( here.)

By the Faculty of Economics, Sophia University

(Titles from names omitted)

Day 1 September 24 (Sat.)

Special Session I

Chair: Heinz Kurz

(Univ. of Graz, Austria)


L – 911 (SP1-1) Victoria Chick

(University College London)

Keynes and Formalism

[Yoshio Watanabe]

(Meiji Univ.)

(9:00-9:55) (SP1-2) Toichiro Asada

(Chuo Univ.)

Significance of Keynesian Legacy from a Theoretical Viewpoint

[Ryuzo Kuroki]

(Rikkyo Univ.)


Coffee Break(11:00 - 11:20)

Special Session II

Chair: Roger Sandilands

(Univ. of Strathclyde, UK & Sophia Univ.)

(11:20 - 13:20)

L-911 (SP1-3) Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

(Univ. of Rome ‘La Sapienza’)

Two Strands of Cambridge Economics: Joan Robinson and Sraffa

[Yoshio Inoue]

(Chuo Univ.)

(11:20 -12:15) (SP1-4) Toshiaki Hirai

(Sophia Univ.)

Keynes’sTheoretical Development from the Treatise to the General Theory

[M. C. Marcuzzo]

(Univ. of Rome ‘La Sapienza’)


Lunch (13:15 - 14:30)

Plenary Session I

Chair: Toshiaki Hirai

(Sophia Univ.)

(14:30 - 17:00)

Lecture Hall ( Bldg. No. 10) (PL1-1) Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

(Univ. of Rome ‘La Sapienza’)

The Demise of the Quantity Theory of Money

(PL1-2) Heinz Kurz

(Univ. of Graz, Austria)

Endogenous Growth Theory and Its Limitations

Endogenous (2)

Day 2 September 25 (Sun.)

Special Session III

Chair: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

(Univ. of Rome ‘La Sapienza)

(9:00 - 11:00)


(SP2-1) Roger Sandilands

(Univ. of Strathclyde, UK & Sophia Univ.)

New Light on Lauchlin Currie’s Monetary Theory and Policy in the 1930s

[Tamotsu Nishizawa]

(Hitotsubashi Univ.)

(9:00-9:55) (SP2-2) Asahi Noguchi

(Senshu Univ.)

Keynesianism in the Light of Traditional Thoughts on the Monetary Economy

[Atsushi Komine]

(Ryukoku Univ.)


Coffee Break(11:00 – 11:20)

Special Session IV

Chair: Victoria Chick

(University College London)

(11:20 – 13:20)


(SP2-3) Heinz Kurz

(Univ. of Graz, Austria)

Sraffa’s Methodology and Epistemology

[Katsuyoshi Watarai]

(Waseda Univ.)

(11:20-12:15) (SP2-4) Yoshiyasu Ono

(Osaka Univ.)

Protective Trade Policies

‘Reduce’ Employment

[Yasuyuki Iida]

(Komazawa Univ.)


Lunch (13:15 - 14:30)

Plenary Session

Chair: Roger Sandilands


(Univ. of Strathclyde, UK & Sophia Univ.)

Lecture Hall ( Bldg. No.10) (PL2-1) Victoria Chick

(University College London)

On Monetary Theory and Policy

(PL-2) Yoshiyasu Ono

(Osaka Univ.)

(A Reinterpretation of Chapter 17 of Keynes’s General Theory)

Japan’s Long-Run Stagnation: Two Theoretical Views

(the resume is here.)

* The Plenary Sessions will be delivered by four speakers, with the aim of clarifying the general issues involved to an audience which will include graduate and undergraduate students. We have one plenary session each day. Each plenary session will include two papers + general discussion. (No written papers and no discussants for the Plenary Session). The Plenary Sessions are open to all and free of charge. The Venu is Lecture Hall (Bldg. No.10).

** The Special Sessions will convene up to eight speakers presenting their papers, followed by discussion among the participants, who are either historians of economic thought or theoretical economists. We have two special sessions each day. Each special session will consist of two papers + two discussants. The participation in the special sessions, which are for scholars only, is required to send an e-mail to hirai-t@sophia.ac.jp (free of charge). The Venu is L-911 (in the Library).

The related website is the Centre for the Cambridge School (here).

Toshiaki Hirai (Organizer)