
Capitalism and the World Economy:

Hot summer, eel box deluxe (or Una-don. 鰻=eel), and cute boston terriers


The following is one project for which I am responsible. We have had made a contract with Routledge this June.

Capitalism and the World Economy:

The Light and Shadow of Globalization, Routledge, ed. by T. Hirai (to be published in 2014)

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Capitalism, World Economy and Globalisation

Toshiaki Hirai

Chapter 2 Globalisation and Keynes’s Ideal of “a sounder political economy

between all nations”

Anna Crabelli and Mario Cedrini

Chapter 3 Globalisation and the Ladder of Comparative Advantage

Roger Sandilands

Chapter 4 The Role of the Predator State in Money Manager Capitalism

Randall Wray

Chapter 5 Economic Crisis and Globalisation in the European Union

Cosimo Perrotta

Chapter 6 The “Euro” Crisis and the “Eurocrisis

Paolo Piacentini

Chapter 7 ‘We are all Keynesians now’: British Capitalism, Keynesianism,

and the Global Financial Crisis

William Garside

Chapter 8 Japan’s De-globalisation Yutaka Harada

C           Chapter 9 Trade Friction with no Foundation: A Review of US–Japanese

Economic Relations in the 1980s and the 1990s

Asahi Noguchi

Chapter 10 Financial Integration, Policy Autonomy and Economic Growth: The Case of Brazil

F. J. Cardim de Carvalho

Chapter 11 Indian Economy and Society: Globalisation and Economic


Sunanda Sen

Chapter 12 A Mixed Effect of Globalization on China's Economic Growth

Hideo Ohashi

Chapter 13 The Development of Russia's Corporate Sector and Globalisation

Yuko Adachi

[Contributors] (in order of chapter)

・Toshiaki Hirai ( Sophia University, Japan)

・Anna Carabelli (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy)

・Mario Cedrini (University of Turin, Italy)

・Roger Sandilands (University of Strathclyde, UK)

・Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)

・Cosimo Perrotta (University of Salento, Italy)

・Paolo Piacentini (University of Rome , Italy)

・William Redvers Garside (Waseda University, Japan)

・Yutaka Harada (Waseda University, Japan)

・Asahi Noguchi (Senshu University, Japan)

・F. J. Cardim de Carvalho (Institute of Economics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

・Sunanda Sen ( Jawaharlal Nehru University [JNU], India)

・Hideo Ohashi ( Senshu University, Japan)

・Yuko Adachi ( Sophia University, Japan)