
A Treatise on Probability and “My Early Beliefs” Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia University)

    A Treatise on Probability and “My Early Beliefs”


                                                                                                                                       Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia University)


The purpose of this paper is to examine Keynes as a philosopher in light of
the relation between A Treatise on Probability (1921), Ramsey’s criticism (1926), Keynes’s considerable degree of acceptance of Ramsey’s criticism (1931), My Early Beliefs (1938), and Keynes’s criticism of Tinbergen (1939).
      The conclusion runs as follows;

(1) In his youth, Keynes firmly believed in human rationality, the relevant philosophical work being his Treatise on Probability. But he became increasingly skeptical about human rationality and ever more conscious of the emotional aspect of human nature, in the midst of the chaos of post-WWI Europe, as evidenced typically in his criticism of the market society and his advocacy of the New Liberalism in The End of Laissez-Faire (1926). As the years went by, Keynes’s skepticism about human rationality grew ever deeper, and he came to stress the importance of custom and tradition, re-evaluating the market society in face of the cruel realities of the Soviet society.

(2) Keynes abandoned the most essential part of his Treatise on Probability, which lies in regarding probability as degrees of rational belief between propositions, and the justification of induction based on it, in the face of Ramsey’s criticism. This is clearly recognizable in his obituary of Ramsey and My Early Beliefs. However, he did not abandon his theory of probability completely, as can be seen in his critical review of Tinbergen (1939). In Part V (The Foundations of Statistical Inference) of A Treatise on Probability Keynes had criticized the mathematical use of statistical frequencies (Methods of Laplace) and defended the inductive use of them (Methods of Lexis). Keynes’s criticism of Tinbergen’s method is mainly based on this stance. We have the Keynes who accepted Ramsey’s criticism on the one hand, and the Keynes who retained the Methods of Lexis on the other. There seems to run a logical fissure between Part III (Induction and Analogy) and Part V.

1. Introduction

In September 1939, Keynes read “My Early Beliefs” (Keynes, 1939a. Hereafter MEB) at the Memoir Club. This memoir, made public with Keynes’s will, went on to draw attention from various angles. The reasons for this were, among others; (i) the fact that it was the only memoir which traced out the path of thought followed by the economist who brought about the “Keynesian Revolution”; (ii) the ethical path pursued by a central member of the Bloomsbury Group; (iii) the path taken by an important member of the philosophical milieu in Cambridge.     
Stimulated by the spate of documents made public from the 1980s onwards, searching studies on “Keynes as a philosopher” have been pursued, leading to a trend to re-examine and re-evaluate Keynes’s performance from the point of view of the way the philosophy of young Keynes developed in A Treatise on Probability (Keynes, 1921. Hereafter TP) came to influence “Keynes as an economist”.
  There is, however, a high wall which researchers find themselves up against: namely the fact that Keynes did not write any philosophical papers after the TP, into which he poured his intellectual energies in his twenties. This meant for scholars painstaking research, looking for philosophical traits in the writings of Keynes as economic theoretician and economic policy expert. Under these circumstances, the only evidence concerned is “My Early Beliefs”.
   The purpose of this paper is to examine to what degree My Early Beliefs could be said to reflect his philosophical and ethical path accurately. For this purpose, first we will look into the theoretical substance of A Treatise on Probability. We then go on to examine his philosophical path, with the focus on Ramseys criticism of Keyness TP and Keyness (substantial) acceptance. Thirdly, My Early Beliefs is examined. Finally some problems are raised on the relation between Keynes as a philosopher and Keynes as an economist.

2. The Stance of A Treatise on Probability
To examine this paper we should start by explaining the theoretical content of A Treatise on Probability (hereafter the Treatise), for it is only in this book that “Keynes as a philosopher” appears as the real protagonist.
   There are three scholars who greatly influenced the writing of the Treatise Moore, Russell and W. E. Johnson. Firstly, it was Moores Principia Ethica (Moore, 1903) that spurred Keynes to start work on a theory of probability. In MEB, Keynes said that in youth he accepted the religion of the Principia Ethica, while rejecting the moral. However, in relation to the Treatise, Chapter 5 in Principia Ethica matters, for his study started with his essay, Ethics in Relation to Conduct (1904), which is a critical essay on the chapter, read at the Society in January1.
Secondly, he was greatly influenced by Russells Principles of Mathematics (Russell, 1903) and Principia Mathematica by Whitehead and Russell (1910). This emerges clearly from Part II, Fundamental Theorems.
Thirdly, there was the part played by Johnson. In relation to Part II, Keynes started it independently of Johnson, but on the way made many exchanges of views and ideas with him, the result of which was incorporated in the Treatise2.
  Keynes evoked the path he traversed under those influences with thus:

    … it was through trying to prove the fundamental theorems of the subject [a theory of probability] on the hypothesis that probability as a relation that I first worked my way into the subject; and the rest of this treatise has arisen out of attempts to solve the successive questions to which the ambition to treat probability as a branch of formal logic first gave rise. (TP,   125)

Among other things, the Treatise aims at exploring an epistemological and logical research in the world of probability. We will examine the Treatise below, focusing on its essential points of contention – the definition of probability; the question of whether probability is objective or subjective; the sphere under consideration; the argument for justification of induction.

2.1 Definition of Probability

Probability is defined as a “degree of rational belief between two sets of propositions”. The exact definition of terms and their development are argued along the formal logic of Moore and Russell. The fundamental view is very clear in the following passage.

      The proposition (say, q) that we know in this case is not the same as the proposition (say, p) in which we have a probable degree (say, α) of rational belief. If the evidence upon which we base our belief is h, then what we know, namely q, is that the proposition p bears the probability-relation of degree αto the set of propositions h; and this knowledge of ours justifies us in a rational belief of degree α in the proposition p. It will be convenient to call propositions such as p, which do not contain assertions about probability-relations, ‘primary propositions’; and propositions such as q, which assert the existence of a probability-relation, ‘secondary propositions’ (TP, 11).

Knowledge is recognizing that there exists a rational belief of degree, α, between the evidence h and the primary proposition p, which is the “secondary proposition” q. (It should be noted that p is a certain rational knowledge (See Table). 3
テキスト ボックス: Table1

 h  → p
(secondary proposition)

  There is a clear distinction between “rational beliefs” and “irrational beliefs”, only the former being an object of research in the Treatise. A rational belief of degree belongs to a problem of knowledge in the sphere between “impossibility” and “certainty”. The state in which a degree is not certain is called “probable”. The usual deductive sphere is the one in which the probability as the logical relation between propositions is 1. What the Treatise aims at is to explore the sphere in which the probability prevails.

An idea – “A rational belief of degree” – can be said to be an intellectual inquiry which tries to grasp a probability in the system of “rational” thought. Although at first glance the Treatise seems to explore the sphere of “uncertainty”, what it aims at, in fact, is to grasp a “rational belief of degree” in terms of a logical relationship, and to develop it in an axiomatic way in the best possible axiomatic way4.

  In this epistemology, there is a distinction between “to know in a probabilistic way” and “not to be able to know in that way” 5. The phenomenon of probability is a rational recognition in the sense that it can be grasped through the process of knowledge (the secondary proposition). In MEB it is repeatedly stated that in his youth Keynes placed profound trust in the “rationality” of human nature, which perfectly fits with the fact that the Treatise is a book which explores the “rationality of human nature”.  

2.2 The Question of Whether Probability Is Objective or Subjective

The key to knowing whether a “probability” dealt with in the Treatise is objective or subjective is to pay attention to the primary proposition and the secondary proposition.
…our knowledge of propositions seems to be obtained in two ways: directly, as the result of contemplating the objects of acquaintance; and indirectly, by argument, through perceiving the probability-relation of the proposition, about which we seek knowledge, to other propositions. (TP, 12)

It appears to be indirect knowledge that the Treatise aims at analyzing6.
  Turning to the topic, Keynes treats probability as “objective”. This is his basic stance. Although he does not deny the subjectivity that probability involves7, he emphasizes that probability is basically objective.
What we know and what probability we can attribute to our rational belief is, therefore, subjective in the sense of being relative to the individual. But given the body of premises which our subjective powers and circumstances supply to us, and given the kinds of logical relations, upon which arguments can be based and which we have the capacity to perceive, the conclusions, which it is rational for us to draw, stand to these premises in an objective and wholly logical relation. (TP, 19. my underlining)
Fundamental here is the passage, “But given the body … relation”, in which a logical relation between a premise and a (primary) proposition is regarded as “objective”8. Keynes aims at constructing the philosophical foundation for judgment in the sphere of “probability” through application of (formal) logic9.
  The “Indirect knowledge” the Treatise deals with is obtained through argument. In cases where argument is composed of a complicated set of arguments, a knowledge of formal logic is indispensable. Thus recognition in the form of a system of axiomatic theory is required there.

2.3 Sphere under Consideration

The concept of “probability” looms large in the Treatise. It is discussed in detail in Chapter 3, “The Measurement of Probabilities”, the essence of which runs as follows ― In a case where points lie on the same path, there exists a numerically calculable sphere. Even if they diverge from the path, there exist non-numerical probabilities. In this situation, there are cases where to some degree the difference is distinguishable in terms of larger or smaller, and cases where it cannot be distinguished. And yet both of them are also the object of theory of probability.
Some argue that the Treatise mainly treats the sphere in which numerical measurements are impossible. In fact, however, the Treatise does not state that probability is immeasurable, but rather treats the sphere of rational knowledge, in which both measurable and immeasurable probabilities are included.
  It is true that the Treatise expresses the view that even in the sphere in which measurability is impossible the concept of probability workable, and criticizes mathematical statistics which excludes such a possibility. It is worth emphasizing, however, that the sphere in which measurability prevails occupies an important role in the Treatise.
The purpose of Part II, “Fundamental Theorems”, for example, is stated as follows.   
My object in it [Part II] is to show that, starting from the philosophical ideas of Part I [Fundamental Ideas], we can deduce by rigorous methods out of simple and precise definitions the usually accepted results, such as the theorems of the addition and multiplication of probabilities and of inverse probability. (TP, 125)

Par II, which is greatly influenced by Principia Mathematica, is composed of a series of formal logical proofs and reflective consideration on them. In the former, proofs of various theorems are deductively made, provided that probability can be measured numerically.

2.4 The Argument for Justification of Induction

Another main objective of the Treatise is the justification of “induction” (Here we consider “universal induction” in Logic. “Inductive theory” in Statistics is to be referred to in Section 4.)
Although induction has made a great contribution to the development of human knowledge, logicians have not succeeded in justifying it as yet. This was what Keynes set out to tackle.
  What we wonder at this moment is how a deductive and axiomatic analysis based on the method of analytic philosophy which we saw above and an argument for justification of “induction” could be consistently related. Here it is worth noting how Keyes emphasizes that, from the point of view of logic, there is a fundamental relation between probability and induction.
I have described probability as comprising that part of logic which deals with arguments which are rational but not conclusive. By far the most important types of such arguments are those which are based on the methods of [pure] induction and analogy. (TP, 241. [   ] is mine)
  …the validity of every induction, strictly interpreted, depends, not on a matter of fact, but on the existence of a relation of probability. An inductive argument affirms, not that a certain matter of fact is so, but that relative to certain evidence there is a probability in its favour. …… The clear apprehension of this truth profoundly modifies our attitude towards the solution of the inductive problem. (TP, 245)

Here “probability” is defined as a rational belief of degree between propositions. An “inductive argument” is defined under the influence of this definition. It is argued, moreover, that induction should be a problem of formal logic (the existence of probabilistic relations) rather than a ‘certain matter of fact’.
  That is to say, a probability at each point of time is a relation between each premise and each conclusion, and is independent of a probability at the next point in time. Keynes argues that induction is not a problem of experience but one of formal logic. This might seem a surprising argument to most of us today.
However, we should understand that only by adopting such a stance is the theory of probability developed in Parts I and II directly connected with Part III, “Induction and Analogy”. The problem of induction thus becomes the main subject of Part III, “probability” as so defined being framed.
  He states that an inductive argument has very general implications10. In fact, he argues that the first two chapters (Chs. 19 and 20) dealing with induction show the following feature.

    In the enunciation, given in the two preceding chapters, of the principles of analogy and pure induction there has been no reference to experience of causality or law. So far, the argument has been perfectly formal and might relate to a set of propositions of any type. (TP, 269)
Induction works through “analogy” and “pure induction”. Keynes propends for the former. His explanation of Hume’s egg analogy – which is a criticism of Hume’s induction – goes a long way toward clarifying these two elements and Keynes’s evaluation of them11.
  The conditions in which pure induction, which is a mere repetition of instances, strengthens an argument, are dealt with in details in Ch. 20, “The Value of Multiplication of Instances, or Pure Induction”. This chapter is characterised as follows.
The chief value of the chapter, in my judgment, is negative, and consists in showing that a line of advance, which might have seemed promising, turns out to be a blind alley, and that we are thrown back on known analogy. Pure induction will not give us any very substantial assistance in getting to the bottom of the general inductive problem. (TP, 260-261)

The relation between pure induction and analogy is explained as follows12.
When our control of the experiments is fairly complete, and the conditions in which they take place are well known, there is not much room for assistance from pure induction. … But where our control is incomplete, and we do not know accurately in what ways the instances differ from one another, then an increase in the mere number of the instances helps the argument. For unless we know for certain that the instances are perfectly uniform, each new instance may possibly add to the negative analogy. (TP, 243)

Analogy is, as it were, a spatial extension of knowledge, while pure induction is a temporal extension of knowledge. Having made a generalization due to pure induction based on ‘his’ own “probability”, Keynes points out that in order for it to hold a “prior probability” needs to be known. He states that “analogy” provides it13.

    The prior probability, which must always be found, before the method of pure induction can be usefully employed to support a substantial argument, is derived, I think, in most ordinary cases – with what justification it remains to discuss – from considerations of analogy. (TP, 265)

Keynes argues that one can obtain a “prior probability” by considering analogy in the spatial extension of knowledge. Thus induction turns out, according to him, to depend on analogy as a means to obtain a prior probability. And he states that
it is a scientific method to heighten the “known analogy”14.
   To sum up, Keynes clearly states that (i) what matters most about the argument on probability is induction; (ii) induction is composed of “analogy” and “pure induction”, the former of which is the more important; (iii) the prior probability is obtained through analogy. 

  The fundamental argument of analogy runs as follows.

    If some one thing is true about both of two objects, if, that is to say, they both satisfy the same propositional function, then to this extent there is an analogy between them. Every generalization g (φ,f), therefore, asserts that one analogy is always accompanied by another, namely, that between all objects having the analogyφ there is also the analogy f. The set of propositional functions, which are satisfied by both of the two objects, constitute the positive analogy. The analogies, which would be disclosed by complete knowledge, may be termed the total positive analogy; those which are relative to partial knowledge, the known positive analogy.
      As the positive analogy measures the resemblances, so the negative analogy measures the differences between the two objects. The set of functions, such that each is satisfied by one and not by the other of the objects, constitutes the negative analogy. We have, as before, the distinction between the total negative analogy and the known negative analogy. (TP, 248)

  Let us explain the above with a simple example. Suppose that we have objects, a dog and a cat. If “one thing” is “four legs”, then both dog and a cat meet propositional function φ “if A, then four legs” (that is, a dog and a cat has analogy φ). If “another thing” is “pelage”, then both dog and cat meet propositional function f “if A, then pelage” (that is, a dog and a cat has analogy f). 
Then a set of propositional functions g (φ, f) [a dog and a cat have four legs and have pelage] becomes a positive analogy. Distinction between perfect knowledge and imperfect knowledge denote, respectively, certainty and a rational belief of degree in Keynes’s sense. In the case where knowledge is perfect, “total” is used, while otherwise “known” is
itive analogy is counterposed by negative analogy (in short, the objects are not similar). In the case of a dog and a cat, if “one thing” is “dislike the cold”, then propositional function φ “if A, it dislikes the cold” meets cat, but not dog. If “another thing” is “bark”, then the propositional function f “if A, it barks” does not meet cat, but meets dog. In this case, a set of propositional functions g(φ, f) [a dog and a cat dislike the cold, and bark] is called negative analogy.
  According to Keynes, if knowledge is perfect, there is no room for pure induction, for total analogy is there. On the other hand, if knowledge is partial, there is room for pure induction. For by means of pure induction negative analogy will be found, so positive analogy can move closer to total positive analogy than in the case without it.
  In the above argument Keynes takes the case in which knowledge is imperfect, that is, the “probability” situation. A “positive analogy” in that situation means for “one thing” to take the form of “probability” propositional function between two objects. How can one perceive the probability (the degree of similarity)?
  If analogy is perfect, pure induction is not needed. In this situation analogy is obtained as “direct knowledge”. Though direct knowledge is, in a sense, individual introspection, it is stated to possess an objectivity which everyone shares in common. Keynes states this direct knowledge in the sphere in which probability works.

    … we can justify the method of perfect analogy, and other inductive methods in so far as they can be made to approximate to this, by means of the assumption that the objects in the field, over which our generalizations extend, do not have an infinite number of independent qualities; … the use of inductive methods can be justified if they are applied to what we have reason to suppose a finite system. (TP, 285)

In the above passage “the method of perfect analogy” means not needing pure induction. When knowledge is imperfect, analogy can attain a higher level with the aid of pure induction. Here Keynes makes the point that insofar as the number of “the features of things” (say, “four legs”, “pelage”) are finite, the inductive method can be justified by “the method of perfect analogy” (which is obtained through individual introspection) or “other inductive methods” (the method of coming close to perfect analogy by finding negative analogies with the aid of pure induction).

  There are some points in this argument which I feel are doubtful, or at any rate odd.
  Firstly, with “probability” and “inductive method” defined à la Keynes, the fundamental relation between the two is stressed, as a result of which the inductive method takes on an aspect departing from what is usually supposed. The inductive method here is taken to work in the world in which analogy plays an essential role, experience being neglected.
  Secondly, there is a peculiarity in thinking that analogy can be grasped in the form of “probable” propositional function. The world of formal logic is placed in the center of thought rather than the world of experience.

3. After the Treatise ― Influences from Ramsey’s Criticism

F. Ramsey came up with severe criticism of the Treatise in his paper, “Truth and Probability” (Ramsey, 1926) 15. And Keynes accepted it to a considerable degree. It was very rare for him to admit so much publicly. This has attracted a great deal of attention, for, as already noted, he published neither a paper nor a book on philosophy, and criticism came from Ramsey who occupied an important place in the philosophy developed in Cambridge.
  In this section we will see the main points of Ramsey’s criticism and Keynes’s response to them.

3.1 Ramsey’s Criticism

Ramsey’s criticism of the Treatise rests mainly on three points.
The first is that there is no probability relation between propositions - a sheer negation of the definition of probability by Keynes.
    If anyone were to ask me what probability one gave to the other, I should not try to answer by contemplating the propositions and trying to discern a logical relation between them. I should, rather, try to imagine that one of them was all that I knew, and to guess what degree of confidence I should then have in the other. (Ramsey, 1990 [1926], 59)
Here Ramsey speaks of a subjective probability which an individual attaches to another proposition rather than a probability between propositions. He insists that probability should be a problem of individual judgment16.
 The second point is that even the statement of its main principles lacks consistency. This exposes an ambiguity between objectivity and subjectivity of probability argued in the Treatise17
The third point is a criticism of Keynes’s attempt to incorporate the sphere of the inductive method into that of the deductive method.

    The logical relation which justifies the inference is that the sense of import of the conclusion is contained in that of the premises.
      But in the case of an inductive argument this does not happen in the least; it is impossible to represent it as resembling a deductive argument and merely weaker in degrees; it is absurd to say that the sense of the conclusion is partially contained in that of the premises. (Ramsey, 1990 [1926], 82)
Positing a probability between proposition A and proposition B does not mean that proposition B is deductively (and partially) derived from proposition A. It is strange, says Ramsey, to argue as if this were true.
  These three criticisms clearly make sense.
3.2 Keynes’s Response

It was in an obituary to Ramsey, “Ramsey as a Philosopher” (Keynes, 1931 [1933])
that Keynes responded to Ramsey’s criticism. This is very important evidence
for an understanding of the stance of “Keynes as a philosopher” as of October
1931. High regard for Ramsey’s attention to “human logic” and self-criticism with
regard to the Treatise as argued based on “formal logic” are expressed in a mixed
Thus he [Ramsey] was led to consider ‘human logic’ as distinguished from ‘formal logic’. Formal logic is concerned with nothing but the rules of consistent thought. But in addition to this we have certain ‘useful mental habits’ for handling the material with which we are supplied by our perceptions and by our memory and perhaps in other ways, and so arriving at or towards truth; and the analysis of such habits is also a sort of logic. The application of these ideas to the logic of probability is very fruitful. .… So far I yield to Ramsey – I think he is right. (1933, [JMK] 338-339).

Here we find endorsement of a theory of probability which takes into due account Ramsey’s “human logic” rather than a theory of probability as an objective relation between propositions. The statement, “So far I yield to Ramsey – I think he is right.” carries a lot of weight, given that the Treatise was a product of reflection prolonged over a considerable span of time by Keynes as a philosopher.

4. On “My Early Beliefs”

Let us turn to “My Early Beliefs”, in which Keynes’s own path of thought is stated (Following his will [1941], the two memoirs were posthumously made public. This is one of the two). It is summarized as follows18.
(i) Around 1903 ― “passionate contemplation and communion” (MEB, 436. Moore’s “Religion”) was rated very highly. It was considered to be rational and scientific. In contrast, Keynes rejected Moore’s “Morals” following the Benthamite calculus and the general rules of correct behavior” (MEB, 436). Keynes stood by individualism, which places trust in the rationality of human nature.

(ii) Around 1914 ― Trust in the rationality of human nature became weaker, while
human feelings began to receive more consideration.

(iii) 1938 ― Misgivings about the rationality of human nature became ever deeper while trust in conventions became ever higher. He came round to the idea that application of rationalism and excessive individualism should be restrained, and that Moore’s “religion” was narrow.

The most conspicuous term used throughout “My Early Beliefs” is the “rationality of human nature”. When he speaks of his path of thought, the basic tone as the years went by, was that trust in it again ever and weaker. His regret that in his youth he had placed too much trust in the rationality of human nature is repeatedly expressed19.
  I think that profound trust in the rationality of human nature lies at the root of the Treatise. There Keynes tried to construct a magnificent theory of knowledge by incorporating the framework of “rationality” into the sphere between “impossibility” and “certainty”, and applying strict formal logic to it. Moreover, he tried to justify an inductive method in the form of formal logic by approaching it from the point of view of his concept of probability. It is no wonder that young Keynes’s trust in the rationality of human nature stated in “My Early Beliefs” ran through the Treatise as well.

    Our apprehension of good was exactly the same as our apprehension of green, and we purported to handle it with the same logical and analytical technique which was appropriate to the latter. … Russell’s Principles of Mathematics came out in the same year as Principia Ethica; and the former, in spirit, furnished a method for handling the material provided by the latter. (MEB, 438-439)

The circumstances which limited Keynes’s scope when he embarked on his study of probability were what I described above. The stance which discusses “green” and “good” with the same logical and analytical method, and which uses the method of Principles of Mathematics in order to handle material provided by Principia Ethica, is no more or less than the stance taken with the Treatise.
  However, as 1914 was drawing near, “trust in the rationality of human nature” became weaker, Keynes says. Might it not be WWI that was closely related to this change in philosophical view? 20
  WWI brought the Bloomsbury Group up against the burning issue of  conscientious objection, which saw Keynes in a delicate position vis-à-vis the Group. Moreover, he suffered a great disillusionment with international politics during the negotiation process in the Versailles Peace Conference. This was Keynes’s experience of a phase that saw Western civilization, which had seemed to enjoy permanent progress, plunged into the turmoil of chaos, confusion and revolution.
  It was in the articles on social philosophy such as “Am I a Liberal?” (Keynes, 1925) and The End of Laissez-Faire (Keynes, 1926) that Keynes’s view of human society found expression. Here Keynes criticizes that social philosophy based on the assumption that society is composed of rational individuals as mere fiction which neglects the fact that the real world is composed of ignorant and weak individuals, arguing that attainment of the public good would be difficult leaving everything to the private action of individuals, and would be possible only by organizing social units.
  The philosophy which underlies the Treatise appears to be “ethics of rational self-interest” and belong to the current of individualistic philosophy. It clearly aimed at examining “rational beliefs”, disregarding irrationality. According as he shifted his interest from philosophy to economics, the major events which attacked his interest from WWI onward seem to have led him toward diffidence vis-à-vis the rationality of human nature and respect of human feeling.
  A “New Liberalism” is proposed in The End of Laissez-Faire. It is rooted in misgivings about leaving the economic society to ignorant and weak individuals. Keynes considers institutions, in size, between individuals and the state to be ideal. In this regard, he positively evaluates the form of institutions which have been formed as a result of historical development. That said, he mentions “risk, uncertainty, ignorance” as one of the fields in which the state needs to be positively involved in some way or another.
  As the years went by, his trust in the rationality of human nature seems to have become even weaker. As of 1938, Keynes's position was:

    The attribution of rationality to human nature, instead of enriching it, now seems to me have impoverished it. It ignored certain powerful and valuable springs of feeling. Some of the spontaneous, irrational outbursts of human nature can have a sort of value from which our schematism was cut off. (MEB, 448-449)
The error in approaching human nature in the framework of schematism, and recognition that there exist valuable feelings, even if irrational, in human nature finds clear expression here.
  Deepening diffidence about the rationality of human nature is accompanied, at the same time, by a position favouring “rules” and “conventions”. Another feature seen in Keynes as of 1938 was the emphasis on maintaining the existing order. This tendency toward conservatism appears as he recognizes that his individualism in his youth was extreme. It seems that as diffidence about rational mind emerged, trust in individualism wavered, and instead a tendency toward tradition and convention was strengthened21
  In this transformation, disappointment with Soviet socialism must have played no small part. Looking back to the severe criticism of the “pseudo-morality” of capitalism in the 1920s, there is, clearly, a change in his view of capitalism in the 1930s and 40s. This is emerges in all evidence if we compare Chapter 24 of the General Theory (Keynes, 1936), where the pursuit of profit is admitted and individualism affirmed, with The End of Laissez-Faire.

5. Keynes as “a Philosopher” and as “an Economist”
5.1 The General Theory

In the latter half of the 1920s Cambridge saw a major change in Wittgenstein’s philosophy from “the former period” to “the later period”, touched off by criticism, again, from Ramsey. Keynes was there at the time, and deeply involved in discussion.
  Given these situations, the view has been put forward that there is a distinction to be made between the earlier period and the later period of Keynes as philosopher as well22. Accepting Ramsey’s criticism and abandoning the Treatise, argues this view, Keynes envisaged an alternative philosophy, e.g. “collective pragmatism”23.
  In contrast, there is a view that the philosophy developed in the Treatise runs through up until the General Theory24. For example, stating that “Once this post-1931 output is taken into account, a contrary picture emerges in which literal interpretations of the review are revealed to be superficial” (O'Donnell, 1989, 140), O’Donell argues that up until the General Theory the essential points of the Treatise were maintained. Similarly, Carabelli remarks that in spite of the lip service which Keynes paid to Ramsey’s criticism in his essay, Keynes did not change his view on probability in substance (cf. Carabelli, 1988, 97).

  My view on this issue runs as follows. On the one hand, Keynes abandoned the fundamental philosophy underlying the Treatise (among others, Parts I, II and III). In this respect, Ramsey’s criticism had a significant impact.
 However, there is no trace of Keynes’s having tried to work out an philosophy alternative to that of the Treatise. Rather there is a possibility that Keynes’s change of tack was brought about by events during and after WWI. Therefore, I am somewhat skeptical about the possibility of coming to significant results by examining Keynes’s economics writings to determine to what degree he changed in philosophical terms after the Treatise. It does not seem that whether Keynes philosophically changed or not had a significant influence on “Keynes the economist” 25 26. Rather, in considering Keynes as an economist the aspect of his social philosophy seems to be more important.   

  Incidentally, I understand the features of the General Theory as follows.

 (i) Theoretical System Which Is Operational – The General Theory is purely theoretic with little economic policy analysis, which is rare in his writings. And yet he is consistent, in the sense that a model is constructed in such a way as to incorporate the viewpoint of the policy planner.
(ii) Monetary Economics of Underemployment Equilibrium – The main feature of the General Theory is that it presents the monetary economics of underemployment equilibrium. Keynes proposed it as a system of simultaneous equations based on a causal analysis.

 (iii) Model Determining the Volume of Employment – The model which the General Theory proposes determines the volume of employment.

 (iv) Two Contrasting Phases  - The view of the market society presented in the General Theory is as a system showing two contrasting phases -  On the one hand, “stability, certainty, simplicity”, on the other, “instability, uncertainty, complexity”.
After the publication of the General Theory, Keynes mentions two points of departure from the traditional theory in “The General Theory of Employment” (Keynes, 1937). One is emphasis on the fact that the future is uncertain, while the other consists in a theory of supply and demand for the output as a whole. These two points correspond to the above-mentioned “two contrasting phases”.

5.2 Keynes’s View of the Nature of Economics

After publication of the General Theory Keynes famously advanced severe criticism of Tinbergen (1939) in Keynes (1939b). Two points are emphasized there. One is that economics should be a moral science, the other that economics should belong to the sphere of logic.
  Here we shall dwell on the latter. Keynes thinks that economics can make progress through improvement of models. However, actual figures should not be put into a variable function, for if they were, the model would lose generality and value as a way of thinking. The objective of statistical studies is to test the relevance and effectiveness of a model rather than to put figures for variables for the sake of forecasting27.
This view fully reflects the stance taken in the Treatise, where we find lucid criticism of theory of probability as developed in the form of frequency theory. Part V, “The Foundations of Statistical Inference” is directly related. There, as corresponding to the “universal induction” (in logic) developed in Part III, “Induction and Analogy”, statistical inference (in statistics) is advocated.
On this occasion, two methods of using statistical frequency in order to determine posterior probability are compared. One is “mathematical use” (or the method of Laplace), the other “inductive use” (or the method of Lexis). Severely critical of the former, Keynes upholds the latter (statistical inference). The inductive method in the Treatise criticizes the frequency theory in which probability is dealt with depending on the multiplication of cases, while the Treatise emphasizes the importance of “analogy” and “the method of Lexis”.
 Among other things, Keynes held that it is very dangerous to use variables in probability, as is clearly seen in the following.
     In the logic of implication, which deals not with probability but with truth, what is true of a variable must be equally true of all instances of the variable. In probability, on the other hand, we must be on our guard wherever a variable occurs. … If x stands for anything of which φ(x) is true, as soon as we substitute in probability any particular value, whose meaning we know, for x, the value of the probability may be affected; for knowledge, which was irrelevant before, may now become relevant. (TP, 62-63)

The view developed in the Treatise seems to lie behind the claim that economics is a sphere of logic. The method of Tinbergen was merely an object of criticism made by Keynes long before.
   Thirty years ago [1908] I used to be occupied in examining the slippery problem of passing from statistical description to inductive generalization in the case of simple correlation; and today in the era of multiple correlation I do not find that in this respect practice is much improved. In case Mr Loveday or others may nurse inductive hopes, it is worth pointing out that Professor Tinbergen makes the least possible preparation for the inductive transition. (JMK.14, 315-316)

  Keynes (1939b) shows unequivocally that an important feature (the method of Lexis) of the Treatise was still there in 1939. Now, we have the Keynes who accepted Ramsey’s criticism on the one hand, and the Keynes upheld the method of Lexis on the other. Are these two aspects to be regarded as inconsistent, or are they actually compatible?

I would suggest they might be seen as compatible on the following grounds. Even if
“a theory of probability as a rational belief of degree between propositions” and the justification of a “method of induction” based on it are abandoned, it is conceivable that Keynes maintained a critical stance on the frequency theory as a mathematical practice, while emphasizing the utility of the method of Lexis. By doing so, there seems to be a cleavage in logical interrelation between Part III and Part V.

5.3 Two Problems

  Finally, I would suggest two problems observed in researches into the Treatise 
  The first problem is doubt about a certain view of the Treatise and the General Theory – interpreting the Treatise as a book arguing “uncertainty”, and seeing the kernel of the General Theory in “uncertainty”.
In my understanding, the Treatise does not argue “uncertainty”, but sees probability as “a rational belief of degree”, so that it belongs to a category of “rationality”. It is made clear in a reference to the Treatise in the General Theory (n.1, 148) that “very uncertain” is different from “very improbable”. “Uncertainty” is put outside the framework of rational beliefs. Additionally, to see the kernel of the General Theory in “uncertainty” fails to take into account the important point of view that Keynes’s theoretical system is characterised by the above-mentioned “two contrasting phases”.
   The second problem is that when we try to grasp the relation between the Treatise and the General Theory, we are faced with the fact that Keynes did not write any philosophical paper after the Treatise. In terms of documents, although it is possible to argue Keynes’s economics from a social-philosophical point of view, it is far more difficult to argue it from a philosophical and logical point of view. It seems that the change which occurred in Keynes’s stance toward economics could emerge more significantly with investigation into his economic theory and social philosophy28.

  1) Cf. TP, 341-343. Incidentally, it is worth noting that Keynes carried out interesting research on the index problem at the same time. Cf. Ke
ynes (1909).
2) Cf. TP, 126 ,166-171. For W.E. Johnson, see Keynes (1931a).
  3) See also TP, 11.
  4) See also TP, 356.
  5) Cf. TP, 35.
  6) Cf. TP, 13-14.
 7) For such an ambiguous statement, see, e.g. TP, 56, 312.
  8) A similar drift is seen at TP, 56, 76 as well.
  9) Cf. TP, 3.
 10) Cf. TP, 242.
  11) Cf. TP, 242.
  12) See also TP, 267-268.
  13) See also TP, 265.
  14) Cf. TP, 267.
  15) Immediately after the Treatise came out, Ramsey published a review of it (Ramsey, 1922).
  16) What is called “modern functionalist views of the mind” (Ramsey, 1996,
p. xviii).
  17) Cf. Ramsey (1996, 85-86).
  18) Cf. Hirai (2000, Ch.7).
 19) Cf. MEB, 447. See also Braithwaite (1975, 318).
  20) Ramsey’s criticism, which appeared after 1922, and Keynes’s self-criticism vis-à-vis the Treatise do not seem to have a direct relation with his diffidence about the rationality of human nature. Ramsey’s criticism is of the concept of “probability” as defined by Keynes. And Ramsey’s alternative itself also has (a significant role for) rationality.
  21) Concerning this point, Bell (1995) takes a critical attitude to what he sees as Keynes’s shift towards conservativism. For recent evaluations of “My Early Beliefs”, see Fitzgibbons (1988), Skidelsky (1991), Carabelli (1988), O'Donnell (1989), Bell (1995), Rosenbaum (1998).
  22) These stances are expressed by Davis (1995), Bateman(1996) and Itoh (1999) among others.
  23) Davis (1995) and Itoh (1999) consider this is the philosophy underlying the General Theory.
  24) The representatives of this view are Carabelli (1988) and O'Donnell (1989).
  25) Despite the high level of mathematical knowledge shown in the Treatise, it is   
worth noting that Keynes hardly made any use of it in his economics thereafter. As a key to understanding this point, criticism of “the method of Laplace” and defense of “the method of Lexis” developed in Part V might be considered. It is also worth trying to make sense of the fact that Keynes made ample use of a relatively simple statistical method (for example, A Treatise on Money (Keynes, 1930)) while criticizing Tinbergen’s method.
  26) For a case of a scholar taking this view, see Bateman (1996).
  27) Cf. Keynes’s letter to Harrod dated July 4, 1938 (JMK.14, 296-297).
  28) My answer to this point is Hirai (2003 Ch.15; 2007 Ch.13).


  (JMK indicates The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, London: Macmillan. The numbers following indicate volumes.)

 Bateman, B. 1996. Keynes's Uncertain Revolution, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Bateman, B. and Davis, J. eds. 1991, Keynes and Philosophy: Essays on the Origin of Keynes’s Thought, Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Bell, Q. 1995. Elders and Betters, London: Murray.
 Braithwaite, R.B. 1975. Keynes as a Philosopher in Essays on John Maynard Keynes, edited by M. Keynes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  Braithwaite, R.B. December 1972. Editorial Foreword to TP (JMK.8, xv-xxii).
  Carabelli, A.1988. On Keynes's Method, London: Macmillan.
  Coates, J. 1996. The Claims of Common Sense, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  Davis, J. 1995. Keynes's Philosophical Development, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Fitzgibbons, A. 1988. Keynes’s Vision, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  Hirai, T. 2007, Keynes’s Theoretical Development – from the Tract to the General Theory, Routledge.
Keynes, J.M. 1909. The Method of Index Numbers with Special Reference to the Measurement of General Exchange Value, in JMK.11, 49-173.
 Keynes, J.M. 1921. A Treatise on Probability, London: Macmillan (JMK.8).
  Keynes, J.M. 8 and 15 August, 1925. Am I a Liberal?, The Nation and Athenaeum in JMK.9, 295-306.
  Keynes, J.M. 1926. The End of Laissez-Faire, Hogarth Press in JMK.9, 272-294.
 Keynes, J.M. 1930. A Treatise on Money, I II, London: Macmillan (JMK.5 & 6).
  Keynes, J.M. 1931. Essays in Persuasion, London: Macmillan (JMK.9).
 Keynes, J.M. 1931a. W.E. Johnson, The Times, in JMK.10, 349-350.
 Keynes, J.M. 1931b. Ramsey as a Philosopher, The New Statesman and Nation in JMK.10.
  Keynes, J.M. 1933. Essays in Biography, London: Macmillan (JMK.10).
  Keynes, J.M.1936. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, London: Macmillan (JMK.7).
  Keynes, J.M. February 1937. The General Theory of Employment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, in JMK.14, 109-123.
  Keynes, J.M. 1939a. My Early Beliefs (in Two Memoirs, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1949) in JMK.10, 433-450.
Keynes, J.M. 1941  Will, 14 February, King's College.
  Keynes, J.M. September 1939b. Tinbergen's Method, Economic Journal in JMK.14, 318-320 (Related material is reproduced in JMK.14, 285-318).
  Moore, G. 1903. Principia Ethica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  O'Donnell, R. 1989. Keynes: Philosophy, Economics and Politics, London: Macmillan.
 Ramsey, F. January 1922. Mr Keynes on Probability, The Cambridge Magazine. 
 Ramsey, F. 1926. Truth and Probability in Ramsey (1990, 75-133).
  Ramsey, F. 1931. The Foundations of Mathematics, London: Kegan Paul.
 Ramsey, F. 1990. Philosophical Papers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, edited by D.H. Mellor.
 Rosenbaum, S.P. 1998. Aspects of Bloomsbury, London: Macmillan.
 Rosenbaum, S.P. 1995. The Bloomsbury Group, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
 Russell, B. 1903. Principles of Mathematics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shionoya, Y. 1991, Sidgwick, Moore and Keynes: a Philosophical Analysis of
Keynes's 'My Early Beliefs' (in Bateman and Davis, eds.).
  Skidelsky, R. 1992. John Maynard Keynes, London: Macmillan.
 Tinbergen, J. 1939. A Method and Its Application to Investment Activity, League of Nations.
  Whitehead, A.N. and Russell, B., 1910. Principia Mathematica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  K. Itoh, 1999. Keynes’s Philosophy, Iwanami Shoten (in Japanese).
  T. Hirai, 2000. Keynes, Schumpeter, Hayek - Searching for the Vision of the Market Society, Minerva Shobo (in Japanese).
  T. Hirai, 2003. Looking at Keynes’s Economics from Multiple Points of View, University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese).

1. Introduction
2. The Stance of A Treatise on Probability
2.1 Definition of Probability
2.2 Question of Whether Probability Is Objective or Subjective
2.3 Sphere under Consideration
2.4 Argument for Justification of Induction
3. After the Treatise ― Influences from Ramsey’s Criticism
3.1 Ramsey’s Criticism
3.2 Keynes’s Response
4. On “My Early Beliefs”

5. Keynes as “a Philosopher” and as “an Economist”
5.1 The General Theory
5.2 Keynes’s View of the Nature of Economics
5.3 Two Problems