41st UK History of Economic Thought Conference
Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre
University of Manchester
2-4 September 2009
12:00 onwards: Registration (Reception Area)
12:30-13:50: Lunch (Conservatory)
14:00-15:50: Session I (Marquis Room)
Chair: John Vint (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Willie Henderson (University of Minnesota, Duluth): “The development of
Adam Smith’s stadial theory: story-telling and analyses”.
Nerio Naldi University of Rome): “On the concept of relative value in the Wealth of Nations: rhetorical influences on Smith’s analysis”.
15:50-16:10: Refreshments (Conservatory)
16:10-18:50: Session II (Marquis Room)
Chair: John Aldrich (University of Southampton)
Richard van den Berg (Kingston University): “The art versus the nature of
commerce: Malachy Postlethwayt and Adam Smith”.
Julian Wells (with Alain Alcouffe) (Kingston University): “Marx, maths, and
MEGA 2”.
Fred Day (Manchester Metropolitan University): “Hodgskin and Godwin”.
19:00-20:00: Dinner (Carriage Restaurant)
20:15-21:15: Session III (Sponsored by the Hallsworth Foundation)
(Marquis Room)
Chair: Terry Peach (University of Manchester)
Samuel Hollander (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev): “Engels and Marx
on economic organization, income distribution, and the price mechanism”.
21:15- Business Meeting
7:30-9:00: Breakfast (Carriage Restaurant)
9:15-11:05: Session IV (Marquis Room)
Chair: Evert Schoorl (University of Groningen)
Luis F. Carvalho (ISCTE Lisbon): “John Ruskin’s critique of classical
political economy”.
Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia University, Tokyo): “Hawtrey –on his unpublished
book, Right Policy”.
11:05-11:30: Refreshments (Conservatory)
11:30-13:00: Session V: Young Scholars Session (Sponsored by the
Hallsworth Foundation)
(Marquis Room)
Chair: Gavin Kennedy (Heriot-Watt University)
Christopher Godden (University of Manchester): "Popular economic opinion
and the history of economic thought".
Joao Rodrigues (University of Manchester): “Are Markets Everywhere?
Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek and Karl Polanyi”.
13:00-14:00: Lunch (Conservatory)
14:00-15:50: Session VI (i) (Marquis Room)
Chair: t.b.c.
Ivan A. Boldyrev (State University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow):
“Ontology of economics: an interpretive perspective”.
Andy Denis (City University): “A century of methodological individualism
Part I: Schumpeter and Menger”.
15:50-16:20: Refreshments (Conservatory)
16:20-17:15: Session VI (ii) (Marquis Room)
Chair: Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham)
Margaret Moussa (University of Western Sydney): “On the logic of Marshall’s
17:30-18:30: Session VII (Sponsored by the Hallsworth Foundation)
(Marquis Room)
Chair: Terry Peach (University of Manchester)
Cheng Lin (with Wang Fang) (Shanghai University of Finance and
Economics): “Evolvement of the history of Chinese economic thought”.
19:00-20:00: Reception (Sponsored by the UK History of Economic
Thought Newsletter)
20:00: Conference Dinner (C.P. Scott Room)
7:30-9:00: Breakfast (Carriage Restaurant)
9:15-11:15: Session VIII (Marquis Room)
Chair: Tony Brewer (Bristol University)
Anders Ekeland (Statistics, Norway): “Tony Lawson and the nature of
mainstream economics: maths fetishism or ideology?”.
Roger E. Backhouse (with Philippe Fontaine) (University of Birmingham):
“History of economics as history of social science”.
11:15-11:45: Refreshments (Conservatory)
11:45-12:45: Session IX (Marquis Room)
Chair: t.b.c.
Evert Schoorl (with Henk Plasmeijer) (Emeritus, University of Groningen):
“Self taught teachers: Dutch economics textbooks and their authors in the 19th
and early 20th century”.
13:00-14:00: Lunch (Conservatory)