
The Program for the 1st ESHET-JSHET Meeting, 17-20 Dec. 2006 at Nice, France



17-20 December 2006, GREDEG CNRS UNSA

Sunday 17 December

Keynote speech 14H30-15H30

Chair = Annalisa ROSSELLI, Tor Vergata Uiversity, Roma.

􀂃 Kiichiro YAGI and Hidetomi TANAKA, Kyoto University

Baien’s Kagen in the 17th and 18th Century. Japanese and European Economic Thought

Session 1 - Classical Precursors 15H30-17H30

Chair = .Junichi HIMENO, Nagasaki University

􀂃 Masazumi WAKATABE, Waseda University

Knowledge, Markets, and Governance: Adam Smith’s Project Reconsidered

􀂃 Tetsuo TAKA, Kyushu Sangyo University.

Smith's Conception of instinct and the biologic foundations of economics

􀂃 Pier Luigi PORTA, Biccoca Milano University.

Consumer sovereignty in Pietro Verri’s analysis of the competitive market.

Session 2 – Cambridge legacy 17H45-19H45

Chair = Cristina MARCUZZO, La Sapienza University, Roma.

􀂃 Toshiaki HIRAI, Sophia University

Social Philosophy in Interwar Cambridge - Seeking the Cure for the Malaise of the Market Society

􀂃 Muriel DAL PONT LEGRAND,GREDEG CNRS and University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis.

Hawtrey’s contribution to the Art of Central Banking revisited: a confidence monetary regime

􀂃 Bertram SCHEFOLD, Johann Wolfgang Goethe - University, Frankfurt.

CES Production functions in the Light of the Cambridge Critique

Monday 18 December

Session 3 - The intellectual influence of Hayek 9H00 – 11H00

Chair = Kiichiro YAGI, Kyoto University

􀂃 Richard ARENA, GREDEG/CNRS and UNSA and Pierre GARROUSTE, ATOM, University Lyon II

Market or markets?

􀂃 Yousuke YOSHINO, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

Hayek’s "Inter-Subjectivism" -A Trail Interpretation of His Methodology

􀂃 Christian SCHMIDT, University of Paris IX

Is Hayek a precursor of neuroeconomics ? A retrospect view

Session 4 - The intellectual influence of Marshall 11H30-13h00

Chair =. Bertram SCHEFOLD, Johann Wolfgang Goethe - University, Frankfurt

􀂃 Tamotsu NISHIZAWA, Hitotsubashi University , Tokyo

Marshall on Britain's Industrial Leadership : “Industry and Trade” reconsidered

􀂃 Keinji FUJII, Aoyama Gakuin University

Marshall's Normal Equilibrium and State of Production Knowledge

Session 5 - Firms and Industrial Organisation 14H30-16H00

Chair = Harald HAGEMANN, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart

􀂃 Youichi KIMURA, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

Early Kaldor on the theory of the firm: A disequilibrium approach

􀂃 Tiziano RAFFAELLI, University of Pisa.

Coordination costs in the 1930s debates on business size.

Discussion on the cooperation between JSHET and ESHET 16H30-19H00


Tuesday 19 December

Session 6 - Markets and economic governance 9H00-11H00

Chair = Heinz KURZ, University of Graz

􀂃 Manuella MOSCA, University of Lecce.

The Austrian theory of “unnatural monopoly“

􀂃 Atsushi KOMINE, Ritumeikan University

Beveridge on Economic General Staff: from Economic advisor to social designer

􀂃 Keiko KURITA, Tokyo’s Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.

Associations and/or the State: Economic Governance "à la française"

Session 7 - General Equilibrium and Welfare 11H15-12H45

Chair = Pascal BRIDEL, Centre Walras Pareto, Lausanne University.

􀂃 Yasunori FUKAGAI, Yokohama National University.

Diversity of projects of Welfare and Justice: British thought in the second half nineteen century English

􀂃 Annie COT, University of Paris I.

The Cowles Commission and the development of General Equilibrium Theory: the Socialist Calculation Matrix.

Session 8 - The legacy of Vienna 13H45-15H15

Chair = Yuichi SHIONOYA, Hitotsubashi University,Tokyo

􀂃 Misako AKIYAMA and Susumu EGASHIRA, Keio Gijuku University and Otaru University of Commerce

Ernest Mach and the Origin of the Knowledge Theory in the Former Austrian Empire

􀂃 Heinz KURZ, University of Graz.

Innovations and Profits. Schumpeter and the Classical Heritage

Joseph Schumpeter’s Contribution to Economic Sociology Wednesday 20 December

Keynote speech –Richard 9H00-10H00

Chair = Richard ARENA, GREDEG/CNRS and University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

􀂃 Yuichi SHIONOYA, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo.

Schumpeter and Rhetoric

Session A 10H00-11H30

Chair = Yuichi SHIONOYA, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo

􀂃 Kiichiro YAGI, Kyoto University

Schumpeter and the Concept of Social Evolution

􀂃 Philippe STEINER, University of Lille

Schumpeter on the sociology of economic knowledge

Session B 11H45-13H15

Chair = Tetsuo TAKA, Kyushu Sangyo University.

􀂃 Harald HAGEMANN, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart

"The Schumpeter-Hahn Type of Cycle Theory: L. Albert Hahn's Economic Theory of Bank Credit"

􀂃 Cécile DANGEL-HAGNAUER, GREDEG/CNRS and University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

Schumpeter's Economic Sociology of Money

Session C 14H30-16H30

Chair = Cécile DANGEL-HAGNAUER, GREDEG/CNRS and University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

􀂃 Richard ARENA, GREDEG/CNRS and University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

Economic Rationality and the Emergence of Institutions: A Schumpeterian view

􀂃 Agnès FESTRE and Pierre GARROUSTE, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and GREDEG/CNRS

and ATOM University of Lyon I

Rationality, behaviour and institutional change

􀂃 Thornbjørn KNUDSEN and Markus BECKER, University of Southern Denmark and BETA (CNRS), Strasbourg.

Schumpeter and the Organization of Entrepreneurship