World Capitalism in Crisis
Guest Prof. Toshiaki Hirai

From April through June in 2016 I had the opportunity to deliver a series of lectures at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy, and I prepared the files for them. Now, one year later, it has occurred to me that I might arrange and edit them in such a way as to produce a readable book, the table of contents which runs as follows. If you would be interested in it, you could download it from the following site:
(Completed in August, 2017.pp . 464 in the form of PDF)
(Completed in August, 2017.
Part I Global Capitalism and the Economies
Lecture 1 How Should We Grasp Capitalism and
Lecture 2 Financial Liberalization and Instability
Lecture 3 Whither Capitalism (the Market Society)?
Lecture 4 The Euro Crisis
Lecture 5 Self-Trapped Japanese Economy
Lecture 6 Quantitative Easing Policy in the US and
Lecture 7 What Is Happening to Economics?
Part II. What Keynes Achieved for the Modern
Lecture 8 The Life of Keynes
Lecture 9 Keynes’s Economics in the Making
Lecture 10 Social Philosophy in Interwar Cambridge
Lecture 11 Employment Policy in the Making
Lecture 12 Welfare State in the Making
Lecture 13 Commodity Control Scheme
Lecture 14 Relief and Reconstruction Problem
Lecture 15 International Monetary System
Toshiaki Hirai
Emeritus Professor, Sophia University, Tokyo
President of the Keynes Society Japan (2011- )
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, 1971
Graduated from Doctoral Course of Economics, University of Tokyo, 1977.
Up until March 2012, Professor of Economics, Sophia University.
(While working as Lecturer of University of Kyoto, Lecturer of Tohoku University, Guest Professor of Hitotsubashi University, Guest Professor at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio [Italy] and so forth)
・Editorial Board, History of Economic Ideas
・Associate Editor, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
・Editor-in-Chief, Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought, October 1998-May 2001.
・Member of the Editorial Board (Japan) for the Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes (1992- )
・Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Economics and Politics, Cambridge University (Oct.
1987- March 1988)
・Visiting Scholar, Institute of Historical Research, University of London (August 1997- September 1998)
・Visiting Professor, University of Rome <La Sapienza>, October 2003 – March 2004.
・Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, May 2004-July 2004.
・Member of the Council of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHEAT) April 2006- March 2010.
・The Union of National Economic Associations in Japan (April 2009 - March 2011)・Guest Professor, University of Cassino and Sourthern Lazio, Italy( April – June 2017)
Keynes’s Theoretical Development – from the Tract to the General Theory, Routledge, 2007.
The Return to Keynes (co-edited by B. Bateman, T. Hirai and M.C. Marcuzzo ), Harvard
University Press, 2010.
Keynesian Reflections (co-edited by T. Hirai, M.C. Marcuzzo and P. Mehrling ), Oxford University Press, 2013.
Capitalism and the World Economy (edited by T. Hirai), Routledge, 2015.
Main Papers (confined to English papers)
“The Turning Point in Keynes’s Theoretical Development”, History of Economic Ideas,
XII-2, 2004.
“How Did Keynes Transform His Theory from the Tract into the Treatise?”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, XIV-2, 2007.
“How, and For How Long, Did Keynes Maintain the Treatise Theory?”, Journal of the History
“Exploring Hawtrey’s Social Philosophy through His Unpublished Book, Right Policy, z
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 34-2, 2012.
“International Design and the British Empire”, History of Economics Review, 57 (Winter),