
(5th) 2009 International Keynes Conference 2009

(5th) 2009 International Keynes Conference

at Sophia (IKCS)

― Global Crisis and Keynes: Present and Past



The main purpose of this conference is to deepen our understanding of economics past and today and to ask where economics is going, in terms of Keynes’s influence and Keynesianism, which have been influential from the early 1920s up to the present day. It will be discussed in terms of the history of economic thought and economic theory/policy. We will sincerely welcome the collaboration between the two fields of economics.

This conference is composed of two areas.

(i) Keynes’s or Keynesian theory/policy in relation to the present global crisis.

(ii) Keynes’s influences from various points of view such as history, ethics and so forth.

In this conference, economists with diverse backgrounds are invited to contribute his/her paper. We are sure that this project should be a great opportunity to study, examine, and discuss the above themes.

This is the fifth International Keynes Conference (IKC). Based on the IKCs so far held four times, the following book is gonna to be out:

Bateman, Hirai and Marcuzzo, eds. The Return to Keynes, Harvard University Press.

Date: 17 (Tues.) [10:00-18:00] and 18 (Wed.) March [10:00-18:00]

Venue: Room 2-510, Fifth Floor, Bldg. 2, Sophia University


Day 1 (17 March, Tues.)

Time Presenter Title Commentator


Chair: Jan Kregel

1 Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Univ. of Rome, ) Speculation in Commodities: Keynes’s “Practical Acquaintance” with Futures Markets1

Toshiaki Hirai

2 Tsutomu Watanabe

(Hitotsubashi Univ.)

The Liquidity Trap: A New Keynesian View  Kevin Hoover




Chair: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo

3 Jan Kregel (Levy Economics Institute of Bard College)

Keynes,Liquidity Preference and Bank Bailouts in the Sub-Prime Financial Crisis



(Chuo Univ.)

4 Perry Mehrling

(Barnard College, Columbia Univ.) Keynes after Modern Finance: Perspectives on the Global Crisis2 Ryuzo Kuroki

(Rikkyo Univ.)

16:10-16:40 Coffee Break


Chair:Kevin Hoover

5. Atsushi Komine

(Ryukoku Univ.)

Takeshi Ikeda

(Rikkyo Univ.)

(translators’ report)

On Keynes and his Battles3

Gilles Dostaler

Day 2 (18 March, Wed.)




6.Gilles Dostaler

(Univ. of Québec at

Montreal) Keynes and the Love of Money: the Freudian Connection4 Hiroyuki Shimodaira

(Yamagata Univ.)

7 Toshiaki Hirai

(Sophia Univ.) International Design and the British Empire Perry Mehrling

12:00-13:50     Lunch


Chair:Bradley Bateman 8 Kevin Hoover

(Duke Univ.) Was Harrod Right? Yoshihiko Hakamata

(Chuo Univ.)

9 Anna

Maria Carabelli & Mario Cedrini

(University of Oriental Piedmont) The Economic Problem of Happiness: Keynes on Happiness and Economics

Yoshio Watanabe

(Meiji Univ.)


Coffee Break


Chair: Perry Mehrling 10 Bradley Bateman

(Denison University)

Keynes Returns to America5

Asahi Noguchi

(Senshu Univ.)

70 minutes per paper. 20 min. for a presenter; 10 min. for a commentator, 5 min. for a presenter's response; 25 min.. for general discussion between a presenter and the participants.

1) JHET, forthcoming.

2) Based on his forthcoming book, "The New Lombard Street", Princeton University Press

3) On Keynes and his Battles by Gilles Dostaler (The author is there.)

4) Gilles Dostaler (Univ. of Québec at Montreal) Keynes and the Love of Money: the

Freudian Connection (based on Dostaler et Bernard, M., Capitalisme et pulsion de mort, Paris, Albin Michel, 2009)

5) Bradley Bateman(Denison University)

Keynes Returns to America (Based on Bateman, B., Hirai, T. and Marcuzzo, M.C.

eds., The Return to Keynes, Harvard University Press, forthcoming ... the

contributions come from the Conferences so far held).

Toshiaki Hirai

(Chief Organizer, Prof., Faculty of Economics,

Sophia Univ., Tokyo)