
My CV (confined to the books and papers in English only)

My CV (confined to the books and papers in English only)
I. Book

Co-edited Book: The Return to Keynes(Edited by Professors M.C. Marcuzzo [Italy], T. Hirai [Japan] and B. Bateman [USA]), Feb. 2010 Harvard University Press Bateman, B. (USA), Ono, Y. (Japan), Trautwein, H-M. (Germany), Boianovsky, M. (Brazil), Dimand, R. (Canada), De Cecco, M. (Italy), Arena, R. (France), Yoshikawa, H. (Japan), Dostaler, G. (Canada), Kurz, H. (Austria), Backhouse, R. (UK) and Jan Kregel (Holland), Carabelli, A.=Cedrini, M. (Italy), Hirai, T. (Japan). pp.314

Book:Keynes's Theoretical Development - from the Tract to the General Theory, Routledge, October 2007 単著 Oct. 2007 Routledge xvi+272

Dissertation: A Study of Keynes's Economics - From A Treatise on Money to The General Theory, Sophia University (No.06630010), April 1999. pp. xvii + 359

Book: A Study of Keynes March 1988 mimeograph 254


Chapter9,“Keynes’s Theory in the Making” in The Return to Keynes, eds. by Profs. B. Bateman [Denison Univ.]), T. Hirai [Sohia Univ.] and M.C. Marcuzzo [Univ. of Rome]. Feb. 2010, Harvard University Press pp. 167-183

Chapter 9,“Keynes and Monetary Economics – Illuminated through Wicksell’s Influences, Keynesian Revolution, and Microfoundations” in A History of Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of Prof. Takashi Negishi,Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Takashi Negishi, eds. by Prof. Ikeo, A. (Waseda Univ.) and Kurz, H. (Univ. of Graz, Austria), Routledge,2009. May 2009, Routledge pp.148-168

Book Review (Hayes, Mark., The Economics of Keynes: A New Guide to the General Theory, Edward Elgar, 2007). March 2009 Journal of the History of Economic Thought (31, No.1)

・Book Review:Gilles Dostaler, Keynes and His Battles, Edward Elgar, 2007 Dec. 2008 The History of Ecoomic Thought (50, No.2) 89-91

・Book Review: The Cambridge Companion to Keynes, ed. byR. Backhouse and B. Bateman, Cambridge University Press, pp.xiv+327 History of Economic Ideas, XV, no.2, 2007(XV, no.2) 303-306

Discussion Paper: Social Philosophy in Inter-war Cambridge - Seeking the Cure for the Malaise of the Market EconomyNo.40 (2007-3) Sep. 2007 Economic Research Society of Sophia University (ERSS)(40号) 45

Discussion Paper: International Design and the British Empire - Keynes on the Relief Problem No.41 (2007-4) Sep. 2007 Economic Research Society of Sophia University (ERSS)(41号) 33

Social Philosophy in Inter-war Cambridge Sep. 2007, ERSS(40 07-3巻) 45

*Refereed Paper:How, and For How Long, Did Keynes Maintain the Treatise Theory? Aug. 2007 Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol.29,no.3, 2007. 283-307

*Refereed Paper: How Did Keynes Transform His Theory from the Tract into the Treatise? June 2007 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol.14, No.2, June 2007 (pp.325-348)

The Letters between John Hicks and Ursula Webb September-December, 1935 Coed. Dec. 2005, Working Paper, No.207, Institute for Economic and Business Administration Research, University of Hyogo xxv+159

*Refereed Paper:The Turning Point in Keynes's Theoretical Development ― From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory 単著 2004年12月 History of Economic Ideas, XII-2, pp.29-50

Discussion Paper: Keynes as a Theorist and as a Commentator during 1923-1930 - From A Tract on Monetary Reform to the Treatise on Money April 2004 COE Discussion Paper, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University(No.61)

Paper:A Study of Keynes's Economics - From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory (IV),pp.25-115 March 1999 Sophia Economic Review (44,2) 25-115

Paper:A Study of Keynes's Economics - From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory (III), pp.35-127 Dec. 1998, Sophia Econimic Review(44,1) 35-127

Paper:Recent Japanese Studies in the Development of Keynes's Thought:An Evaluation Oct.1998 Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought(36) 128-137

Paper:A Study of Keynes's Economics - From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory (II),pp.14-96 March 1998 Sophia Economic Review(43,2) 14-96

Paper:A Study of Keynes's Economics - From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory(I), pp.35-136 Dec. 1997 Sophia Economic Review(43,1) 35-136

Paper:A Mathematical Formulation of Keynes' Treatise on Money Sep. 1984, Monthly Review, Institute of Social Studies, Senshu University(254) 1-28

Academic Activities

Financial Globalization and the Instability of the World Economy and The Self-Trapped Japanese Economy - An Overview May 2011 Corso di Laurea in Scienze politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali

International Design and the British Empire --- Keynes on the Relief Problem May 2011, 17th European Society for the History of Economic Thought

Conference: Exploring Hawtrey's Social Philosophy - Through His Unpublished Book "Right Policy" March 2011 Symposium in Honour of Prof. Heniz D. Kurz on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday Economic Thinking in the Classical Tradition

Financial Globalization and Instability Oct. 2010 2nd International and Trans-disciplinary Workshop for the Globalization: Its Light and Shadow

Keynes and the Transmutation Process of the Plan for Commodity Control Scheme June 2010 History of Economics Annual Conference (Syracuse University)

Whither Capitalism? March 2010, 6th International Keynes Conference at Sophia

Hawtrey's Social Philosophy March 2010, ESHET(University of Amsterdam)

Whither Capitalism? Jan. 2010, Globalization Workshop

Hawtrey's Social Philosophy Sep. 2009, UK-HET (Univ. of Manchester)

Hawtrey on Right Policy June 2009, HES

Aimed at the Stabilisation of Commodity Prices April 2009, ESHET (University of Aristotle)

International Design and the British Empire March 2009, International Keynes Conference at Sophia

Walras, Wicksell and Keynes – The Dissemination and Influences in Europe and Japan” March 2009, 2nd ESHET-JSHET Conference

Conference Paper: HES Conference at Toronto, Canada, 27-30 June, 2008 at York Univ.“International Design and the British Empire”

International Conference on Keynes, 19 (Wed.) and 20 (Thurs.) March, 2008 at Sophia Univ.  “From Wicksell to Keynes – An Analysis of the Development of Monetary Economics”

International Walras Association, 11-13 September, 2008 at Kyoto Univ.“How Did Economists Respond to Walrasian Theory? – The Cases of the Wicksell Connection and Two Japanese Economists” Sep. 2008, Le Cahies du CERAS

Conference Paper: ESHET Conference at Prague, Czech Republic, 15th - 17th May, 2008 at the University of Economics.“Social Philosophy in the Interwar Cambridge” May 2008

Conference Paper:“The Eve of the General Theory”(European Society for the History of Economic Thought at Louis Pasteur Univ., Strasbourg, France (5-7 July 2007)) European Society for the History of Economic Thought at Louis Pasteur Univ., Strasbourg, France

Conference Paper: “To What Degree Did Keynes Approach the General Theory in 1933?”(History of Economics Society at George Mason Univ., Washington, USA (8-11 June 2007)) History of Economics Society at George Mason Univ., Washington, USA (8-11 June 2007)

Conference: International Conference: Keynes and His Influences on Macroeconomics, 14-15 March, 2007 Sophia University Organizer. Workd as a chairperson, and a commentator. Read a paper.

Conference Paper: To What Degree Did Keynes Approach the General Theory in 1933 - Searching for a Theory of Employment, International Conference on Keynes and Keynes's Influences on Modern Economics held at Sophia Univ. on 14-15 March, 2007

Conference Paper:Seeking the Cure for the Malaise in the Market Society [The Main Theme: Knowledge, Markets and Governance in the History of Economic Thought] ,The Main Theme: Knowledge, Markets and Governance in the History of Economic Thought ESHET-JSHET International Conference to be held at Univ. of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France (17 [Sun.] Dec. - 20 [Wed.] Dec.) Univ. of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France

Conference Paper:Keynes's Theoretical Development Examined, The 33rd HES Annual Conference, Grinnell College, Iowa, USA, 23-26 June 2006

Conference Paper:An Analysis of the Proofing Process of the General Theory, European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) Annual Conference, the Univ. of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 28-30 April 2006

Session: Wicksell’s Theory of Cumulative Process ― Its Influences on Keynes, His Contemporaries and Modern Monetary Economists, European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET)Annual Meeting held at the Univ. of Porto, Porto, Portugal (28-30 April, 2006)

ESHET 30 Reporter: Mr. Abdelkader, and Prof. MaesWorked as a chairperson as well as commentators on the two persons' papers. April 2006 ESHET held at Porto, Portugal

Conference Paper: An Analysis of the Proofing Process of the General Theory, Workshop on Keynes's Influences on Macroeconomics, Hitotsubashi University, 23 March 2006

Report: International Design and the British Empire --- Keynes on the Relief Problem, Dec. 2005, International Workshop: The British Empire and Economic Thought (At Yokohama National University)

Conference Paper: How Did Keynes Develop His Theory from the Treatise to the General Theory?, Sophia (International) Symposium:Keynesian Legacy and Modern Economics, 24 and 25 Sep. 2005

Conference Paper:How, and For How Long, did Keynes Maintain the Treatise Theory? June 2005

Conference Paper:How Did Wicksell's Theory of Cumulative Process Influence Keynes and His Contemporaries?, HES, History of Economics Society Annual Conference (32nd), Univ. of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, USA, 24-27 June, 2005 Session II-B-4: Monetary Theory

Workshop Paper:The Duration of the Treatise Period: Keynes up to October 1932 March 2005

Workshop Paper: “Searching for a New Theory of Employment: Keynes in 1933” March 2005, Sophia International History of Economic Thought Seminar

How did Wicksell's Theory of Cumulative Process Influence Keynes and His Contemporaries?, March 2005

Conference Paper: International Conference:How did Wicksell's Theory of Cumulative Process Influence Keynes and his Contemporaries? Feb. 2005 Conference on the Cambridge Economists in Theory and Policy, Hitotsubashi University Feb.26-27,2005

Workshop Report:A Conflict between Internationalism and Nationalism --- Keynes's Political Stance on the Relief Problem Dec. 2004, The first meeting of ""Comparative Study of the Economic Thought from Late Nineteenth Century to the Inter-war Period: Reformation of Economic Society and Designing of Economic Policy"" 12 Dec. 2004

Workshop Paper:The Wicksell Connection, Sep. 2004, Workshop at the University of Rome'La Sapienza',Rome,Italy 14 September,2004

Conference Paper:A Session on Prof.Takashi Negishi as a School of History of Economic Thought June 2004, History of Economics Society,Victoria Univ.,Toronto,Canada,25-28 June 2004 Organizer together with Prof.Aiko Ikeo(Waseda University)and Prof.Ezra Davar

Conference Paper:Keynes's Theoretical Development in the 1920s June 2004, History of Economics Society Annual Conference,Victoria Univ.(in the Univ. of Toronto), Toronto,Canada,25-28 June 2004

Workshop Paper:Joint Seminar for the History of Economic Thought(University of Toronto and York University) April 2004, Attended by Profs.Donald Moggridge,Omar Hamouda and David Laidler

Workshop Paper:Two Papers read at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS)-University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis(France) March 2004 Invited by the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France(Prof.Richard Arena) March 17-19,2004

Conference Paper:Keynes as a Theorist and as a Commentator during 1923-1930 - From A Tract on Monetary Reform to A Treatise on Money Feb. 2004 The 8th Annual Conference of the ESHET(European Society for the History of Economic Thought)Ca' Foscari University, Venezia and Treviso,26-29 Feb.2004

International Conference Discussant: Towards a "Continuist" Interpretation of Keynes Guglielmo Forges Davanzati and Riccardo Realfonzo Feb. 2004, ESHET,European Society for the History of Economic Thought (Ca' Foscari University, Venezia-Treviso, Italy)

Workshop Paper:Keynes as a Theorist and as a Commentator during 1923-1930 - From A Tract on Monetary Reform to A Treatise on Money Jan. 2004 Workshop at the University of Rome , Rome,Italy, 27 Jan.2004

Conference Paper:Keynes as a Theorist and as a Commentator during 1923-1930 From A Tract on Monetary Reform to A Treatise on Money, Workshop Hitotsubashi University,6-7 Dec.2003

Workshop Discussant: International Workshop ""Economic Fluctuations and Institutional Evolution"" Dec. 2003, Kyoto University Richard Arena, Cristina Marcuzzo, Annalisa Roselli

Workshop Paper:The Turning Point in Keynes's Theoretical Development -From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory Nov. 2003 Workshop at the University of Rome , Rome,Italy 25 Nov.2003

Conference Paper: The Turning Point in Keynes's Theoretical Development - From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory Sep. 2003 HET(History of Economic Thought)Annual Conference,Weetwood Hall Conference Centre, University of Leeds,UK (3[Wed.]- 5[Fri.] Sep.2003), 3 Sep.

International Conference Discussant for Prof. A. Fitzgibbons's Paper Feb. 2003

Conference Paper: The Turning Point in Keynes's Theory Dec. 2002 Conference on the Cambridge Economists in Theory and Policy Hitotsubashi University Dec.21,2002

A Study of Keynes's Economics- From A Treatise on Money to the General Theory May 1999

2007年3月~2007年5月 Journal of the History of Economic ThoughtのBook Reviewer 

April 2006 - European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) member of the Council

(6th IKCS) International Keynes Conference at Sophia Sophia University March 2-3

International Globalization Workshop University of Graz, Austria 2010年Jan. 29- Feb.1, International Globalization Workshop

5th International Keynes Conference at Sophia Sophia University, March17-18, 2009 On Modern Finance and Keynes

International Conference on Keynes and His Influences 19 and 20, Modern Economics Sophia University, International Conference on Keynes and His Influences on Modern Economics

International Conference on Keynes and Keynes's Influences on Modern Economics L911, Library, Sophia University March 14-15, 2007, International Conference on Keynes and His Influences on Modern Economics

International Conference on Keynes and His Influences on Modern Economics Sophia University, March 23, 2006, Mercury Tower, Hitotsubashi Univ.

Sophia Symposium L911, Library and No.10 Auditorium, Sophia University, 24-25 September 2005 Worked as a chief organizer

Economic Theory and Economic Policy in the Inter-war Period --- Comparative Studies of UK, USA, and Japan. Sophia University April 2005 – Sep. 2005 Every Monday (17:00-18:30).This lecture programme will be coordinated by Roger Sandilands (Invited Professor, Sophia Univ.) and Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia Univ.). Each week an invited scholar will read his/her paper, followed by discussion among the participants.