
6th International Keynes Conference at Sophia (IKCS) 2010

6th International Keynes Conference at Sophia (IKCS)

The World Economic Crisis and Keynes

Manifesto of the Transformation

The main purpose of this conference is to discuss how the capitalistic economy is

and where it is going to be headed, covering economic theory, economic policy and social philosophy. The key phrase there is “Manifesto of Transformation”, which implies the defeat and failure of what has been prevalent over these three decades (New Classical Economics and Neo-Liberalism), and the emergence of the modern version of the “Keynes-Beveridge” system. We have invited distinguished scholars from all over the world for this conference.

 We are very happy to tell you that the following book has just been out which perfectly comes from our previous International Keynes Conferences held at Sophia:

The Return to Keynes, ed. by B. Bateman, T. Hirai and M.C. Marcuzzo, Harvard University Press, 2010.

The Book Review Session is to be held on Day 1.

Those scholars and graduates who would like to participate in this conference are most welcome. Reservation is required due to the limited capacity for the venue. Do not hesitate to email us: hirai-t@sophia.ac.jp

Toshiaki Hirai (Chief Organizer)

Dates: March 2 (Tues.) and 3(Wed.)

10:00 – (around) 18:00

Venue: L-921 (Library), Sophia University, Tokyo

Presenters (in order of presentation)

1. Sunanda Sen (Professor of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India)

2. Yoshiyasu Ono (Professor, Osaka University, Japan)

3. Luca Fantacci (Assistant Professor, University of Bocconi, Italy)

4. Amos Witztum (Professor, London Metropolitan Business School, UK)

5. Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Professor, University of Rome , Italy) 

6. Asahi Noguchi (Professor, Senshu University, Japan)

7. Randall Wray (Professor, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)

8. Xinhua Liu (Associate Professor, Shaanxi Normal University, China)

9. Toshiaki Hirai (Professor, Sophia University, Japan)


10. Tetsuji Kawamura (Professor, Hosei University, Japan)

11. Yoshio Watanabe (Professor, Meiji University, Japan)

12. Masanobu Sato (Special Lecturer, Daito Bunka University, Japan)


Day 1 (2 March, Tues.)

Time Presenter Title Commentator


Chair: M.C. Marcuzzo

(1) Sunanda Sen

(Jawaharlal Nehru

University, New Delhi)

The Melt-down of the Global Economy: A Keynes- Minsky Episode?

T. Kawamura

(2) Luca Fantacci

(University of Bocconi, Italy) Back to Which Bretton Woods?

Y. Watanabe

12:20-13:40     Lunch



S. Sen

(3) Yoshiyasu Ono

(Osaka University) Nominal Wage

Adjustment, Demand Shortage and Economic Policy

R. Wray

(4) Amos Witztum

(London Metropolitan Business School) Keynes: A Misguided Revolution?

M. Sato

16:00-16:50 Coffee Break



T. Hirai

(5) Marcuzzo, Hirai, and


The Return to Keynes (ed. by B. Bateman, T. Hirai and M.C. Marcuzzo, Harvard University Press, Feb. 2010)

R. Wray


L. Fantacci

Day 2 (3 March, Wed.)



A. Witztum

(6) Asahi Noguchi 

(Senshu University)

The State of

Macroeconomics in View of the World Economic Crisis

Y. Ono

(7) Toshiaki Hirai

(Sophia University)

Whither Capitalism?

S. Sen

12:20-13:40     Lunch



L. Fantacci (8) Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City)

Financial Keynesianism and Market Instability

M.C. Marcuzzo

(9) Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (University of Rome, ) Re-embracing Keynes:

Scholars, Admirers and Skeptics in the Aftermath of the Crisis

X. Liu


Coffee Break


Chair:T. Hirai

(15min. per

each talk)

(10) Randall Wray (Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City), Asahi Noguchi (Senshu University) & Xinhua Liu (Shaanxi Normal University)

The Future of Capitalism

70 minutes per paper. 25 min. for a presenter; 10 min. for a commentator, 10 min. for a presenter's response; 25 min. for general discussion between a presenter and the participants (Book Review Session and Round-table Discussion are to follow a different rule).