at Sophia (IKCS)
Whither the World Capitalism?
― Dialogue in “Keynes’s Spirits” ―
The main purpose of this conference is to discuss how the capitalistic economy is and where it is going to be headed, covering economic theory, economic policy and social philosophy.
We need a new development, quite different from “New Classical Economics and Neo Liberalism”. Keynes is the very person who can provide us with great insight for breaking through the state of stagnation into which economics, economic policy as well as social philosophy are falling.
Aware of this problem (in a word, “Keynes’s Spirits), we are to hold this conference.
Toshiaki Hirai (Chief Organizer)
Dates: March 1 (Tues.) 2-510
March 2 (Wed.) 12-303
(1) Jan Kregel
Prof., Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, USA
(2) Colin Rogers
Prof., Univ. of Adelaide, Australia
(3) Heinz-Peter Spahn
Prof. Univ. of Hehenheim, Germany
(4) Linda Grove
Prof., Sophia University (Former Vice-President)
(5) Asahi Noguchi
Prof., Senshu University
(6) Touichiro Asada
Prof., Chuo University
(7) Yuichi Kimura
Associate Prof., Saitama University
(8) Toshiaki Hirai
Prof., Sophia University
(9) Yoshio Watanabe
Prof., Meiji University
(10) Atushi Komine
Prof., Ryukoku University
(11) Nobuhiro Ito
Associate Prof., Takasaki University
(12) Atushi Naito
Associate Prof., Otsuki University
Day 1 (1 March, Tues.)
Time/Chair Presenter Title Commentator
Chair: T. Hirai
Colin Rogers
Keynes's Analysis of
A. Komine
Touichiro Asada Central Banking and
Deflationary Depression : A Japanese Perspective
J. Kregel
12:50-14:10 Lunch
H. Spahn
Asahi Noguchi
The State of
Macroeconomics in View of the World Economic Crisis
A. Naito
(15:20 – 16:10)
Chair: T. Hirai
(15min. per
each talk)
J. Kregel (USA), H. Spahn (Germany), T. Asada (Japan)
The Present Situation of the World Economy
(16:10 – 16:40)
Coffee Break
(16:40 – 18:00)
Discussion with the Floor
Day 2 (2 March, Wed.)
Linda Grove
Toshiaki Hirai
International Design
and the British Empire
H. Spahn
Yuichi Kimura Lionel Robbins and John Maynard Keynes: The
Robbins Circle's
Counterattack of
Laissez-Faire against
C. Rogers
12:20-13:40 Lunch
C. Rogers
Jan Kregel
Zero Interest Rate Policy,
Quantity Easing and
Duration Risk
Y. Watanabe
Heinz-Peter Spahn
In a Keynesian Mood? Why Exchange Rate
Systems Collapse?
N. Ito
16:00-16:50 Coffee Break
Chair: J. Kregel
Linda Grove
On Contemporary Chinese Social Economy
T. Hirai
70 minutes per paper. 25 min. for a presenter; 10 min. for a commentator, 10 min. for a presenter's response; 25 min. for general discussion between a presenter and the participants (Round-table Discussion are to follow a different rule).